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Terry Singh Moves the Mens Skirt Forward

After falling out of fashion for several centuries, men’s skirts have recently returned to Western runways. At New York Mens Day at NYFW 2023, Fashion Designer Terry Singh proved he is a talented cultivator of this category. Terry Singh moves the Mens Skirt Forward this season!

TERRY SINGH photo brigitte segura NYMD NYFW fashiondailymag 2

Fashion Daily Mag Lifestyle Editor :  Brigitte Segura @ fashiondailymag .

Words: Neil Saltzman

Photos + Video : BrigitteSegura @brigitte_segura

TERRY SINGH photo brigitte segura NYMD NYFW fashiondailymag IMG_5872

Singh’s talent for making immaculate skirt and jacket suits for men out of carefully chosen, quality fabrics including wools, jacquards and embroideries coincides with a need in the marketplace: bliss for a designer with the skills to take advantage of the opportunity. Lucky for Terry he has both the skill and the vision. We ran into Nick Wooster on the scene at the NYMD show, so we’re not the only ones paying attention to these skirts!

Skirts available for men today are mostly dark, mostly monochromatic, sometimes pleated, sometimes not, still wrestling with men’s own rejection of the skirt which occurred in the 18th century. One exception to this is Thom Browne, who has invested creativity and craft in his skirts for men without offending modern taste (Browne, by the way, is from Brigitte’s home town). Another is Terry Singh who moves the category forward with clothes that may inspire even men more inclined toward a traditional form of masculinity to reclaim the skirt as men’s fashion.

Men stopped wearing skirts in the Western world pretty suddenly because of the new idea that adornment was frivolous and better left to the ladies. It will be interesting to see how the men’s skirt develops in coming seasons, and what new values shape its reclamation. `

nick wooster and brigitte segura nymd nyfw terry singh on fashiondailymag

Terry Singh Moves the Mens Skirt Forward

Fashion Daily Mag Lifestyle Editor :  Brigitte Segura @ fashiondailymag .

Words: Neil Saltzman

Photos + Video : BrigitteSegura @brigitte_segura.

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