New Fashion: Made by Mena delivers cool fusion of Street Style and Sustainability for spring 2024
The Made by Mena SS24 collection offers a captivating blend of streetwear aesthetics and innovative design. Designer Chris Mena’s creativity and commitment to craftsmanship sets the designer apart, and the label’s reputation has proved stellar. New Fashion: Made by Mena delivers cool fusion of Street Style and Sustainability for spring 2024 at New York Fashion Week. The From the Street collection showcased designs exuding an urban, edgy vibe while embracing contemporary fashion.

New Fashion: Made by Mena delivers cool fusion of Street Style and Sustainability for spring 2024.
Fashion Daily Mag Lifestyle Editor : Brigitte Segura @ fashiondailymag . Faves: #brigitteseguracurator.
Words: Sarah Freiseis Photos: @mayalouisphoto @alicecips and @louis_jfoto and @yoniekoto.

The effortlessly modern vibe combines the use of bold colors and sleek silhouettes that play against unconventional textures to become particularly striking as street chic. Garments were impeccably tailored, and accessories were thoughtfully paired to enhance each look. It was clear that every element had been meticulously chosen and the attention to detail speaks volumes.

Designer: MADE BY MENA photos:@ yoniekot #brigitteseguracurator
Also worth noting, is the designer’s commitment to better for the planet practices with sustainably sourced fabric and recycled garments. This eco-conscious approach demonstrates the brand’s conscious effort to reduce its environmental footprint.

Designer: MADE BY MENA photos:alicecipt
In an ever-evolving fashion landscape, the brand’s fearlessness in embracing change positions it as a leader rather than a follower, consistently setting new trends and standards.

designer: @ _madebymena photos:@ louis_jfoto
Mena’s willingness to experiment and push boundaries suggests that they are not afraid to evolve and adapt to changing trends and consumer expectations. The brand embraces diversity and inclusivity in its designs and campaigns. Mena’s commitment to promoting a variety of body types, genders, and backgrounds is commendable and aligns with the evolving fashion industry’s ideals. This commitment not only reflects the spirit of our times but also empowers individuals from all walks of life to express their unique style with confidence.

MADE BY MENA PHOTOS: @ mayalouisphoto

New Fashion: Made by Mena delivers cool fusion of Street Style and Sustainability for spring 2024.
Fashion Daily Mag Lifestyle Editor : Brigitte Segura @ fashiondailymag . Faves: #brigitteseguracurator.
Words: Sarah Freiseis Photos: @mayalouisphoto @alicecips and @louis_jfoto and @yoniekoto.
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