FDM HAIR trends: BLING on the LOOK
BLING on the HAUTE look from the runway: on AURA tout VU + CHRISTIAN DIOR couture, Chanel and McQueen, and limitless possibilities of ‘pretty’ adds for SPRING french HAIR chic from Elle Accessories.
Even if you don’t have the DRAMA event to go to, add a fresh UPDO to your look with little femme extras from hair accessories.
runway photo: NowFashion curated by #brigittesegura.
Fashion Daily Mag Lifestyle Editor : Brigitte Segura @ fashiondailymag .
@FashionDailyMag @Socialcuratorsnyc.
favorite looks and details by #brigitteseguracurator.
Fashion Daily Mag Lifestyle Editor : Brigitte Segura @ fashiondailymag .
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