BETSEY JOHNSON spring 2011 runway show and video
HAPPY TIMES at LE TOUR de BETSEY -brigitte segura so much fun! Le corset dress in yellow stripes, vichy rompers, atomic SASS but of course, music is so keeping our smiles on as ROSY RIDERS BREAK FOR BLOOMERS + strawberry FIELDS … take a FIZZY lizzy to an officer + gentleman in bloomer bounty, is it captain jack TIME??? ** Betsey it all better photo FRAZER HARRISON|getty images
FDM ♥ BETSEY JOHNSON SPRING 2011 LOOKS 3 6 11 19 22 26 34 43 44 46 48 53 54 56 * 21 BREAK FOR BLOOMERS 34 IS FIZZY lizzy 43 officer + gentleman 44 bloomer bounty 48 is captain jack 53 is time square 3 Rosey riders 3 ride me hard 6 multi-bang 11 bad to the bone WATCH MBFWNewYork video 21 BREAK FOR BLOOMERS 34 IS FIZZY lizzy 43 officer + gentleman 44 bloomer bounty 48 is captain jack 53 is time square 3 Rosey riders 3 ride me hard 6 multi-bang 11 bad to the bone.