YUNA YANG patterns fw17
Patterned + textured bliss from day to evening. A quick look at YUNA YANG during NYFW fw17. Showing how the “light shines brighter in the darkness,” Yang’s FW17 collection juxtaposes looks with bold prints and dancing colors and dark/light pieces that play with chiaroscuro, such as dark velvet and light fabric.
“the power of one person holding a candle.” Yuna’s collection features prints with dancing lights and measured shadows. 70’s the wider shape pants with bold flower prints recreated with bold modern flower prints, by using metallic fabrics, sweatshirts transformed as sophisticated day to evening wear and trendy loungewear became sophisticated French lace pajamas with silk piping details. Methods of chiaroscuro, such as black lace and light fabric, bring depth to her designs.
YUNA YANG commentary + favorites by Brigitte Segura.
photo credit:@paulterrie x @fashiondailymag.
YUNA YANG patterns fw17 NYFW faves by Brigitte Segura.
photo credit:@paulterrie x @fashiondailymag
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YUNA YANG patterns fw17 NYFW faves by Brigitte Segura.
photo credit:@paulterrie x @fashiondailymag
#OOTD: Jacket + Pants by 531jerome x Monster headphones x EVER + EVER x Fervor Montreal jewelry x PUMA.
styling + beauty: @theboywithawish @darrylsboutique @roccobarbetto @Goldenbergderm.
runway stories // NYFW stories + NYFW pics // #fdmlovesnyfw // #brigitteseguracurator // #FashionDailyMag.