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SUMMER FIT BODY: alternative strength + wellness

From the editor: On my recent quest to better health + fit body, I’ve been exploring some new options. Alternative, yes. Gym- no thanks, and though my Yoga interest comes and goes, I was searching for something more in tune with strength and health- without all the chatter and people. After numerous silly injuries over the years, and even more fashion weeks under my belt, I realized my usual chiropractor tune-up wasn’t enough to keep me without pain. I needed some strength and new energy to bounce this body in check.

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I was feeling tired, not as energetic, and the most annoying issue at hand- suffering with back pain. After some recent Incidents in my life that were additionally stressful, it was time to take charge. I began visiting Sifu Matthew, A Wellness Activator (Healer) and founder of The Martial Arts of Wellness ™ to learn new ways to bounce back, heal, strengthen and tone.


This a totally new concept on understanding the power and energy of the body. I started out with one on one sessions with Matthew, and let him do his assessment and energy activations. This was in the form of precise postures and directions that connect and stimulate the body to pull in the forces and energies it needs to gain strength and power. Part of the process is Sifu Matthew, using his refined energy to balance the imbalances in my body through his mastery of moving forces. This helped me quickly gain more force and release pain while learning the position on my own that improved my force and outlook.


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We worked in a very precise way on micro alignments that I’d never experienced before in breathing, precision of each ligament and joint as well as exact direction I faced. It seemed my diet also took part in this issue, including my gluten-free vegetarian diet with not so much protein.

After about 6 private sessions with Matthew, I was ready to embark onto the group classes. Though the idea of being with others is still not my ideal, I began taking The Martial Arts of Wellness (tm) classes in a small group in chelsea. To be clear, these aren’t just fitness classes, they are fitness + healing classes. Combining perfect alignment and motion with understanding of the body’s energy in every position and movement to maximize healing and strength.

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Though it looks like a piece of cake, um- it’s not. There were some pretty strong men standing next to me having a difficult time keeping there feet and legs in the right position without shaking. Try for an hour holding different positions, grounding oneself with the mind in complete focus. This is not easy business. Though I feel like I’m pretty good shape relatively, my skinny backside definitely needed these classes and poses… because I can’t believe I was sore from POSING – or, just holding the position.


There’s no music or fancy guys greeting you at this place but it is not needed because of the depth of training, precise wisdom and immediate feeling of wellness and power– weights not needed. Here’s a view of what I was up to. We’ll see if anyone notices a difference by next fashion week. 🙂 In the meantime, join me at the Martial Arts of Wellness classes on Weds and Thursday at Forever Young Sport Spa at 171 w. 29th st 3rd fl. NYC // 347.504.8867.


If you’re not up for a class, go solo. It’s worth it. Inner peace, body strength, and healing of wounds and injuries.

SUMMER FIT BODY: alternative strength + wellness by Brigitte Segura.

photo credit: Randy Brooke for FashionDailyMag.

About: Sifu Matthew is a Kung Fu Master and Wellness Activator (Healer). He is a master of understanding the electromagnetic forces of the body in relation to strength, wellness and healing. He has helped thousands of people, including Pro Athletes, Hollywood Stars, Fighters, Veterans and anyone looking to take their health and performance to the next level. He carries black belts in Judo, Jiu Jutsu and is an Instructor of Wing Chun (Lau Wai) Bagua, Liangong, Swimming Dragon as well as many other forms of Chi Gong.


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