STREETSTYLE do’s we love
Couldn’t resist ! If you’ve ever witnessed Street Style first hand, it’s very hit or miss. You can either pull it off or you can’t … Sometimes, the thought of “what were these people thinking” before they valiantly stepped out of the house comes to mind. Here’s a couple of tips we thought were smart and funny to share on how to Street Style the right way..
1. Think like a kid:
What attracts people to street style is the creativity and juxtaposition of style that goes into it. Remember when you were little and played dress up? Consider that mixing of random clothing pieces and accessories your first experimentation with street style. Don’t overthink it – think like a kid. Unlike a perfectly matched outfit out of a GAP ad, street style adds mystery and a sense of youthfulness to different garments that would be boring worn alone.
2. Ask a friend:
Before you walk out that door, take a snap and send it to a real friend that’s going to give you an honest opinion and can let you know if your outfit looks like it belongs in the circus, not the street..
3. When in doubt, take it off:
If you have any doubts that something is just too overbearing, DO take it off. Remember to trust your gut.
(ph courtesy of PoshGlam)