going SMOKEless for a New Year
New Year’s Resolution Solution: If you indulge in tobacco, be it a pack a day or merely for social occasions, by now you’ve probably heard something about the electronic alternate option. White Cloud cigarettes offer an easy no commitment option for trying the smoke-free satisfaction. Lightweight, disposable cigs that aren’t difficult to puff.
The convenience minus the hassle with no recharging necessary thanks to battery power. The tasty nicotine elixir equals about 300-400 puffs of vaporized pleasure (approx 2 single packs). Traditional tastes of tobacco and/or menthol are just the beginning, with Fling you get to try all sorts of flavorful mixes. Delicious espresso, fruity strawberry, exotic Bora Bora and earthy Apache just to name a few. If you’re not quite ready to invest in the whole e-shabang, the Fling series of disposables are worth a try, at the cost from $4 to 8 each. Written by Sarah A. Freiseis.
Learn more about the test-worthy no smoking trend that is sweeping the nation: WhiteCloudElectronicCigarettes