PACT: ORGANIC Fair Trade knits to love
BASICS just got even better. PACT now has Fair Trade Certified apparel! Affordable and super soft, organic cotton basics for the girls and the guys. With eco-friendly and sustainable practices, it’s nice to feel good about what you’re buying too. Our favorites are the boy shorts, V neck every day T’s, and leggings that fit amazingly, all under $50.
Our the [FEEL-GOOD] series guest contributor, Dr. Susan Eisen, holistic chiropractor shares with us why organic + fair trade certified is so good:
“Cotton like many other industries has been genetically manipulated to become more hardy. The problem is that the bugs become very resistant to the strong pesticides used and stronger chemicals become necessary. That leaves your clothing steeped in a potentially cancerous chemical film woven throughout. and BTW, never buy clothing without washing it thoroughly before wearing.”
“The time has come for the clothing industry to find sustainable organic practices that are safe for babies, children and everyone. Fair trade insures that the workers from third world countries are being cared for and not taken advantage by corporations who only look to the bottom of line of savings. It is awesome to find a soft well made and feel-good tee by a company that incorporates the important principles of green sustainability and fair trade to their employees. Everyone should own this tee. (We are all in this together.)” – Dr. Susan Eisen
As Fair Trade is definitely a trend lately – you see it prominently in coffee and chocolate, but fair trade is different than Fair Trade Certified. Because PACT is “obsessed with the big idea” they looked to see where they make a difference and give back…come forth PACT’s FW14 Fair Trade Certified line – empowering and giving back to the people that make it happen for them. The certification means that the workers are not only treated well and given living wages, but are also empowered to improve their communities.
When a company is Fair Trade Certified they contribute to a fund that is controlled and accessed by the employees, not the Fair Trade organization, not the companies, not the place of employment, just the employees. Giving them the power to use it however the community may need. In previous seasons, PACT has given back to amazing external partners such as Whole Planet, Whole Kids, The Green Belt Movement and Sustainable Food Center to name a few.
The PACT fall 2014 collection brings the “seed-to-shelf” mentality to a new level. Additionally, they will have the largest Fair Trade Certified Apparel line in the US, with their baby line being the very first Fair Trade Baby apparel line on the market. The products range from tanks and leggings to undies and hoodies and will be available mid-July at Whole Foods and select specialty stores. Currently, PACT has women’s tees that are Fair Trade Certified available in select Whole Foods.
Such an easy way to better the world (and your underwear drawer!). PACT: ORGANIC Fair Trade knits to love written by Brigitte Segura. Commentary by Dr. Susan Eisen.
more info at PACT