HOLIDAY WINDOWS: barney’s #LovePeaceJoyProject
NYC holiday windows 2016: In the spirit of love and giving, the city is in full bloom celebrating the holidays. From traditional santa-friendly store windows to all the holiday lights and stars, it really is a wonderful time of the year. I took a tour of the windows and snapped like a tourist this season, starting with Barney’s. The #LovePeaceJoyProject, filled with non-traditional artsy neon and sculptures were something like a throwback to 70’s art.
The psychedelic windows with a message of Art x Love x Peace x Joy is a perfect representation of this great city of creatives. The Madison store had a series of works by Nick Cave, Studio Job, and Rob Pruitt to go with the Trey Parker and Matt Stone from South Park window. The downtown BarneysNY had works by We are Prism featuring Honnda and Ebony G. Patterson.
The window that had me smiling the most was the “Love Boat” uptown of course, with the theme resonating… “come aboard, we’re expecting you… the Love boat.” Here’s a little peak at my favorites from both the downtown and uptown stores.
The message from barney’s is to take a pic, tag someone who brings you love peace and joy and encourage them to do the same.
#LovePeaceJoyProject. Join! #fdmlovesNYC #holidaywindows.
HOLIDAY WINDOWS: barney’s #LovePeaceJoyProject story + photos by Brigitte Segura.
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