catching up: Tavi Gevinson talks about projects
From tween blogger to feminist editrix to Broadway actor, Tavi Gevinson is embarking on her next project: being a grown-up. Here’s a glimpse of the fabulosa’s “Tavi Forever” story on T:
“Gevinson might know her “core me,” but she has not yet become herself, at least not the “grown woman” she intends to become. At 13, two years after her fashion blog Style Rookie had introduced Tavi as a creative young person with very good taste, the tiny figure with granny glasses, gray-blue hair and extraordinary millinery appeared at the runway shows as more of a mascot than a human being. She played the dwarf in a Felliniesque array, placed somewhere between a socialite’s teacup chihuahua and the Olsen twins. The perfumed tribe of ethereal beings had adopted her, but that story is over, their images at the bottom of the Tumblr feed.”
Wearing new clothes
Moving to N.Y.C.
Doing “This Is Our Youth” on Broadway
Rookie crew hangouts
excerpts from “Tavi Forever” by Emily Witt | T, The New York Times Style Magazine.
Fashion: Simone Rocha
Photo: Hendrik Kerstens [fdmLOVES edit]
Styling: Malina Joseph Gilchrist
(by courtesy)