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beauty resolutions: your EYEBROWS are looking great

WOW, your eyebrows look so good! and other random compliments you want to hear.. While exploring the modern mission for refreshing the face and décolletage, there is one question that always keeps coming up. Why go Dermo instead of Aesthetician or Cosmetic or Plastic surgeon? With all the non-invasive possibilities out there, it’s hard to tell who should handle what.. From promising products + treatments with super powers to fancy gadgets that lift, we are (all) on the never ending quest for the fountain of youth.

Digging in further on this topic, our Editor-in-Chief Brigitte Segura had a visit at a New York cosmetic-surgery practice uptown. She met with Dr. Victoria Karlinsky, a board-certified trained facial and body sculpting specialist at New Look | New Life.   Far beyond the “a la carte” beauty fixes we normally have on our minds, Dr. K. is known for her detailed evaluations + recommendations for treatments with the “entire face” and body in mind.

Here’s how our beauty curiousity panned out:

(from the editor):
“…as I made my way closer to the office near Carnegie Hall I thought about my question or concern to discuss with Dr. K…  I’ve always been bothered by my heavy eyelids, which I apparently inherited from my dad.  What bothers me is not really the shape- it’s the “sad eye” look- and I am not a sad girl.  Was it my genes? My father had an eyelift of sorts a lot of  years ago, and I wondered if there was anything new to help this situation…  When I had asked my Dermo about this a while back, she suggested to explore the topic further with a Plastic Surgeon.  and so the opportunity presented itself…

brigitte segura eyebrows before after Dr Karlinsky FashionDailyMag sel 1

[photos: L -before + R-after]

After 45 minutes of discussing my face, my lifestyle, my thin skin, my hereditary attribute to this “sad eye” condition- and that it looks worse when I lose weight post fashion-week, let’s just say Dr. K. got to know me, what I do, and what makes a difference in my life. As a female plastic surgeon, she knows what women are dealing with firsthand, understands a fast paced NYC lifestyle,  and is very sensitive to woman’s hang ups- and admits to some herself.   She considered my diet, social commitments,  lifestyle, work, and suggested some possibilities, with some treatments she had tried herself.  The surprise prescription? The good ol’ BO + filler combo. Yup- injectables from a cosmetic surgeon.

Though what Dr. Karlinsky prescribed was nothing new – the approach to refresh and faux resculpt in utilizing the injectable combo was new in my books. She took the time to put the BO + filler combo in the correct place, which enable my eyebrows to go back to their designated spot a spot few years ago! A sculpted fresh, a little tighter here, a little fuller here – a couple of lines drawn on my face along the way + no pain.  Hence, the “WOW,  your brows are looking great” and other random compliments came about. need I say more? Brow-ish lift by default. After about 3 weeks, the results of this mini- eye area lift was a refreshing change. brigitte segura eyebrows before after Dr Karlinsky FashionDailyMag sel 2

[photos: L -before + R-after]

It’s worth considering a female cosmetic surgeon’s opinion to refresh and lift, as their trained eye yields specialized options that makes the difference in the treatment. They are going to understand your female needs, and artistically sculpt your face- not just focus on the one area… which will make your “refreshed” look more natural.  The consultation is a big part of the process, and with the added comfort of a plastic surgeon applying precision to injectables, the odds are in your favor. We’re all about the (re)fill at the surgeon’s. Beauty resolutions: your EYEBROWS are looking great commentary by Brigitte Segura, written by Sarah Freiseis.


Dr. Victoria Karlinsky, of New York’s cosmetic-surgery practice, New Look New Life, is a highly-skilled, board-certified trained facial and body sculpting specialist. With extensive experience working with all aspects of cosmetic surgery and treatments, Karlinksy’s resume ranges from post-bariatric weight loss body sculpting, to breast augmentation and non-surgical facial contouring. Located in New York’s Upper East Side, New Look New Life Surgical Arts ( is deeply rooted in the premise that surgical arts for body and facial sculpting truly play a transformative role in revealing and enhancing each patient’s personal beauty with the most natural overall look possible.  Her NYC office is located at 200 West 57th Street, T: 646-559-2854.

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