NICHOLAS K spring 2012
Another fresh start at NICHOLAS K. for spring 2012, kicking off Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week at Lincoln Center as first show for the 3rd season in a row. the BROTHER + SISTER duo keep us coming back [what were we thinking, 9am?] for more of their signature HIP looks. Though at times heavy in cowled styling and mistaken for a HIPPY dippy collection, this line is not grunge.
The true CHICness is obvious to anyone that has a SAVVY intellect and appreciates the details up close or has actually worn the pieces… by brigitte segura.
Designed wearable for a wide range, from the [OUT with the IN] crowd to the yes, 50+ group, the appeal of gathers and tucks combined with the NICHOLAS K. experienced manipulation of fabric washes make for pieces to KEEP in your wardrobe… and that’s alot of KUDOS for an AMERICAN collection.
we LOVEd the lighweight fabrics this season + [no-print] prints & sweaters that will no doubt be more understandable for those that need a bigger hint to get it. Expanding into more shoes and accessories, they are being groomed for bigger and better [thanks to mama cutrone].. and we are watching them!
photos: regis colin berthelier | NOWFASHION