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Catching up: What is holistic wellness today and what we all need to know

Catching up: What is holistic wellness today and what we all need to know more about.   I had some questions and answers with Dr.  Susan Eisen, wellness expert and holistic chiropractor in New York, who gives us some insight about living a healthier lifestyle, what holistic wellness means and tips on what we can all do to feel our best every day.

Catching up: What is holistic wellness today and what we all need to know. Story and Interview by Brigitte Segura. (Bri) with wellness expert: Dr. Susan Eisen (DrS). Story: Brigitte Segura #brigitteseguracurator // Fashiondailymag.

Dr. Susan Eisen by Brigitte Segura What is holistic wellness today interview with brigitte segura FashionDailyMag 3

Brigitte Segura: What does holistic mean to you in health and wellness?
Dr. Susan Eisen: Holistic can also be defined as natural protocol and lifestyle.  My practice in New York is targeted to meet the individual’s specific needs as part of their overall wellness journey.  
Food, for example, is a very important part of one’s wellness! The simple task of buying “healthy” food for your family can become an obstacle course most people don’t know how to navigate. Today in America, our food system is highly processed and full of harmful synthetic chemicals, some of which are banned in other countries.
For example: Buying grass-fed pasture-raised butter is the best option, but it may not be as simple as it sounds.  A popular brand many of us use contains glyphosate in their product, which is a known carcinogen!  So, I have changed my typical butter option to butter imported from France– where I know glyphosate is banned.  A simple change can yield a huge impact for your health.

Bri: How can people get more intelligent about buying food
DrS: Read the labels!  As much as we think we are eating well, there are many unfriendly ingredients in foods we buy. Get to know what these ingredients are.  To help, I give my wellness patients a list to use as a guide.  

Dr. Susan Eisen What is holistic wellness today interview with brigitte segura FashionDailyMag 3

Brigitte: Dr Sue, what is your Holistic Wellness protocol – what can a patient expect.
DrS: When I see a new patient, we discuss their food choices including brands they use as part of the intake evaluation – even if they came in for a Chiropractic evaluation.  At Dr. Susan Eisen Wellness, I also look at their lifestyle and how it impacts their health.  What they eat, how they work, how they rest, their supplements and general body care products.   I also review the patient’s most recent blood chemistries so I can see their important markers like blood sugar, cholesterol, etc.  Once we have this information, I can evaluate and make further recommendations including Holistic Chiropractic if needed.  

What is your Holistic Chiropractic protocol:
The Standard of Care is thorough in my practice.   Pain is typically the reason the patient comes to see me in the first place. I discuss the patients’ areas of concern.   My Holistic Chiropractic intake includes orthopedic findings, postural analysis, the patient’s lifestyle and pain management.  I also check the patient’s gait – i.e. their walk and  I can then determine what the root cause of the pain is.  We will talk about chiropractic care if applicable, therapeutic exercises, clean eating, and what changes they can make to support a healthier lifestyle. Practical evaluations I discuss with the patient also includes how they sit at the computer, whether they are using a laptop or desktop, and if they are texting properly.  

What can a typical patient expect at their visit ?
I help my patients with therapeutic body work and encourage them to make healthier lifestyle choices. The range of my clients are professionals and many creative professionals in fashion including photographers, stylists and videographers, musicians and other creatives that bear the weight of pain as part of their work life. 
I use a variety of therapeutic body work disciplines to balance the pelvis and spine to help the patient have better functionality and feel better than ever!  My Chiropractic techniques are gentle, using a hydraulic table to reduce impact of the bodywork (Thompson table).  Also incorporated is core muscle balancing.  Some muscles need to be stretched as they are too tight and other muscles need to be activated because they are too weak to do their jobs.  I also offer a home care regimen to stretch and strengthen as needed in between office visits. It’s a short term – long term patient plan to get the patient get out of an acute state to a rehabilitation phase.   

Dr. Susan Eisen by Brigitte Segura What is holistic wellness today interview with brigitte segura FashionDailyMag 3

What are 3 tips you can give us that we can use everyday?
1.        Stay away from bioengineered foods i.e. (GMO).
2.        When you sit at your desk, position your legs so put one leg forward, and one leg back near your chair to help you not slouch!
3.        Be careful with supplements and their ingredients that you may be purchasing at the local drug store chain.  
What other projects are you currently working on
I also have a big interest in saving us from ticks and insect bites which can have a great impact on our wellness due to infectious diseases that they can carry, as well as the effect on our joints.  I have created an organic insect repellent spray and candles called Tick Tock Naturals that is available online and in stores. It repells!
How can someone get in touch with you?
I have a practice in midtown NYC and do both in person and telehealth consultations.  Dr. Susan Eisen ; – (2122132273) located at 462 Seventh Avenue, 6th Fl., New York, NY 10018 @DrSusanEisen.

What is holistic wellness today and what we all need to know. Story and Interview by Brigitte Segura. (Bri) with wellness expert: Dr. Susan Eisen (DrS). Story: Brigitte Segura #brigitteseguracurator // Fashiondailymag. Follow us @brigitte_segura @fashiondailymag on IG.