N.D.C. | a passion for shoes made by hand
Created by two friends with a passion for shoes, n.d.c. | nom de code was created for those in pursuit of authentic style . After 10 years working in footwear, Arnaud Zannier and Enrique Corbi bagged the corporate world and created N.D.C. with the mantra, “the strength of the brand is the product itself.”
Using fine leathers from Tuscany, the hip duo design a collection of not-so-basic shoes and boots we’d like to see our favortie guys wearing. Fusing the tradition of artisan craftmanship with practical evolution, these weathered styles are easy on the eye, and made for the subtle cool crowd with a strong and individual personality. A handful of our favorites from N.D.C. shoes for the guys, and one we couldn’t pass up, [and also made by hand] just for the girls.
more info: NDCmadebyhand.com