Seeing the light? Yes it’s going to happen, the weather is warming up! Now that the winter layers are less of a daily must, let’s not forget it’s already bright and sunnier out. So, the pasty winter face and spots are definitely more obvious, and before it changes to spring overnight, it’s time to get the SPRING CLEAR on.
Though glowing, healthy looking and well moisturized skin is always on the agenda, maybe your face isn’t quite ready to face the spring clearly. And if you’ve got some extra spots- i.e. some residual scarring from acne, dark spots, and acne in general. The clearer skin (and zit-free) possibilites are actually coming along nicely for us all – thanks to a laser or two out there to help permanently clear the spots.
We reached out to our FashionDailyMag skincare go to, Dr. Gary Goldenberg about the zit issue and clearing the skin for the spring summer 2017 debut.
Here’s what Dr. Goldenberg // GoldenbergDerm (#AskDrG) recommends:
Brigitte Segura: Dr. G. , what new options there are out there for clearing acne scarring and stubborn blemishes, some dark spots?
Dr. Goldenberg: Here are some options, from least aggressive to more intense:
- CUTERA EXCELV laser helps clear up red and brown spots from Acne and mild Acne scarring. (Requires a series of treatments).
- MICRONEEDLING with PRP (vampire facial) helps with acne scarring and some pigmentary changes. (Requires a series of treatments).
- FRACTIONATED CO2 laser helps with most types of acne scarring (Majority of patients need 1 treatment).
Brigitte: Does this help remedy the condition acne scarring condition long term? Please explain.
Dr. G.: Once the scars are gone, they are gone! If one develops more acne, new scars can develop.
Brigitte: Can this treatment be used on the body too?
Dr. G: I use a couple of effective methods to treat:
Microneedling with PRP has little downtime but needs to be done as a series of treatments. It can be used to help remedy acne scars as well as chickenpox scars! Plus, it aesthetically enhances thin lines around eyes and mouth too. Fractionated CO2 laser improves acne scarring after a single treatment but has more downtime.
FACE SPRING clearly by #brigitte segura.
fashion: Gentle Monster + MONCLER grenoble + Yuna Yang, Uri Minkoff (#AskDrG).
GoldenbergDerm is located in the upper east side at 14 East 75th St. NY NY 10021 | 212-405-8202.
GOLDENBERG DERM opens UES location.
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