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BRIGITTE BARDOT: Femme Fatale comes to Cinéma FiaF

Having been born in the world’s most romantic city, it comes as no surprise that Paris native Brigitte Bardot grew to become the scintillating definition of a sex symbol. With dangerously pouty lips and smoldering bedroom eyes, Ms. Bardot had an exquisite sense of mystery radiating from her very being.  While her career began in France with photos in French Elle leading to the film, Crazy for Love, Brigitte became an unstoppable force after the debut of her first American film, Act of Love with Kirk Douglas. Brigitte’s explosive sexuality was something that American men had never seen, and it brought them to their knees.

brigitte bardot, created woman | photofest | fiaf on FashionDailyMag

In remembrance of a time when the stunning actress ruled the silver screen, as well as the men surrounding it, The French Institute Alliance Française (FIAF) is bringing the legendary actress to the new FiaF Cinéma Tuesdays series:  Brigitte Bardot, Femme Fatale this December. The series is presented in conjunction with BB Forever, a photo exhibition in her honor, are on view through Thursday, December 20 at the Sofitel New York.

Sexy, glamorous and wildly mysterious, Brigitte Bardot brought her fatal curves to the pages of magazines while her steamy eyes and luscious lips aided her standing beside Hollywood’s leading men. Though she later retired from acting to pursue a more peaceful way of life, Brigitte Bardot will always be remembered as the French beauty who seduced an entire nation of men. Check out the FIAF schedule for Brigitte below.  Written by Jessica Harmon.

Photos: Brigitte Bardot and BRIGITTE BARDOT and Jean-Louis Trintignant | and God Created Woman | © Kingsley International Pictures | Photofest

Brigitte Bardot: Femme Fatale | CinémaTuesdays schedule of events

Where: FIAF – Florence Gould Hall, 55 East 59th Street, Info: | Tickets: 800 982 2787

Masculine, Feminine (Masculin, féminin)
Tuesday, December 4 at 12:30, 4 & 7:30pm.
Jean-Luc Godard, 1966. B&W. 110 min.

And God Created Woman (Et Dieu… créa la femme)
Tuesday, December 11 at 12:30 & 4pm
Roger Vadim, 1956. Color. 95 min.

Contempt (Le mépris)
Tuesday, December 11 at 7:30pm
Jean-Luc Godard, 1963. Color. 102 min.
With Brigitte Bardot, Michel Piccoli, Fritz Lang, Jack Palance

The Grand Maneuver (Les grandes manoeuvres)
Tuesday, December 18 at 12:30, 4 & 7:30pm
René Clair, 1955. Color. 106 min.
With Michèle Morgan, Gérard Philipe, Jean Desailly, Brigitte Bardot