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ANNE HATHAWAY | one billion rising

Anne Hathaway  wants everyone to get up and dance, for a good cause.  In an interview with Eve Ensler, Anne talks about being one of the faces of One Billion Rising—a global movement to end violence against women,  a world action that will culminate on February 14.  One billion people—representing the number of women on the planet who’ve been raped or beaten—are invited to walk out of their jobs, schools, and homes and dance, shaking the globe (literally!) united with a mission that it’s time to end violence against women and girls.  Newly married and hearing Oscar murmurs for Les Misérables, Anne Hathaway preps for her next role, talks about One Billion Rising, her husband,  celebrities, the haircut, and music faves to dance to.



look 1: Monrow tank (Anne’s limited-edition Monrow tank to support the cause ($50) is available at, Agent Provocateur bra, Clover Canyon briefs, Kismet earrings, Delfina Delettrez ring, her own bracelets and Skullcandy headphones.

look 2: Yellow dress by Alexander McQueen, Colette earrings, CBD by Charlotte Bjorlin Delia cuff, Jill Golden bangle with beads, Kismet white gold bracelet, Delfina Delettrez enamel rings and Skullcandy headphones.

FDM bits to share from Anne Hathaway interview with [OneBillionRising founder,] Eve Ensler for Glamour’s January 2013 issue:

Eve Ensler: It seems to me that celebrities are kind of the new ruling class—they have all the money, all the power. What’s that like?

Anne Hathaway:  You realize certain things. At this stage in my life—and this moment will not last forever—me walking my dog is news. And because I take very seriously the idea that I can make an impact in the world, I hold back my voice so I can make more of an impact when I do use it. A cause like One Billion Rising is something I want to scream about, and I want you to take that scream seriously because I don’t fall out of nightclubs. I don’t have photographers capture me spending untold amounts on a handbag. Of course, in the court of celebrity, if you try to be serious, you may look like a fool. In One Billion Rising you have activists and thinkers and “celebrities.” But I’m an actress. The celebrity thing just happened.

EE: Tell me about One Billion Rising.

AH: It’s hard to wrap my head around the fact that a billion women have been raped or beaten, just the enormity of that. When I was in college, I’d heard that one in four women would be raped, and I thought, God, that means I must know someone who was raped. Sure enough, I found out a week later that a friend had been. A billion is too big because one is too big.

EE: We’re calling on one billion people to rise up and dance on February 14. Why do you dance?
AH: When I think back to some of the most fun nights of my life, it was just me out dancing without a care in the world. It’s a release, an outlet.

EE: What music do you want to dance to?

AH: Right now I’m totally into David Guetta and that song that he has with Sia, “Titanium.” I also love Rihanna’s “We Found Love.” On the theme of girl empowerment, I think “Firework” by Katy Perry is really good.

EE: I want to talk about work. You played so many good girls— in The Princess Diaries and The Devil Wears Prada. Then came the troubled lead in Rachel Getting Married. Was that a departure for you?

AH: I never thought of it interms of a dichotomy—good girl versus bad girl…  Of course, after Princess Diaries, I was labeled a good girl, and for the first eight years of my career I had to fight to get any other kind of role. But I like fighting for a job, actually. Once you get it, you feel like you’ve emerged victorious from the scrap and you’re like, “OK, this one’s mine. Did it. Done.” And it’s not based on how many Twitter followers I have: zero. My acting got me this role. So it feels pure to me.

EE: Let’s talk about married life. How is it?
AH: It’s wonderful. I feel like I’ve found my other half, and I’m so excited about getting to love him for the rest of our lives.

EE: What is it about him?
AH: He’s a good man. He’s beyond intelligent. He loves fearlessly. His beliefs are beautiful. You know, we get a lot of pressure to define ourselves as women by how wild we are: How many guys did you sleep with? How drunk did you get? And we all bow to that. We’ve all done that walk of shame at one point or another.

EE: And you gave the money for your wedding pictures to support gay marriage. Why?

AH: I really didn’t want the paparazzi at my wedding, and I thought that I’d outfoxed them. The plan was to release a photo to my fans on Instagram. But when some paparazzi got aerial shots and I realized that they could make money off them, I wanted to prevent that, to make the money go somewhere else. So I released four photos, and every time they’re printed, in perpetuity, the money goes to a corresponding charity.

EE: Let’s talk a bit about your hair. Was cutting it liberating?
AH: I was faux Zen about it. I’d resolved to cut my hair for Les Mis and to do it on-screen to make it feel real. And then the morning came, and I was shaking like a leaf. I almost couldn’t do my job… I looked in the mirror, and I saw my little brother! But eventually I felt like the coolest girl in the world.

Anne Hathaway Interview: Eve Ensler,  Commentary | edits: Brigitte Segura,  Photos: Alexei Hay, courtesy of Glamour.

Complete article is in the January 2013 issue of Glamour, available December 11. see more pics from photoshoot | cover.